Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Daily Life Part I

Nairobi is a bustling metropolis wtih traffic rivaling that of any major city ... but with few stop signs or traffic lights!  Aggressive driving is required! The picture below shows normal midday traffic in my neighborhood.

Although sidewalks do exist, be prepared to share them with cars, trucks and buses! And don't forget to look right, left, right before attempting to cross the street.

Public transportation is readily available - from matatus (minivans/minibuses) to taxis.  Taxis are surprisingly expensive, especially compared to matatus, where a ride costs around 20 cents.  But if you decide to go the cheap route, you better not mind LOUD music (usually reggae) and make sure to keep a close eye on your things!  

The man with the red cap opens the door for and collects the money from people riding this matatu.

I have ridden in a matatu a few times but always with an experienced matatu rider!

Luckily, I live around the block from work and can walk.  Yet even for short distances, it's best to call a cab at night.

There is a shopping center in my neighborhood with a grocery store, fruit/vegetable market, bakery, post office, pharmacy, cafe, clothing store, etc.  But I'm excited to try the local fruit stand. The fruit and vegetables here are fantastic, and I hear the woman at the local stand makes incredible fruit salad for practically nothing!



  1. hmmm... thought I already commented.. please send some of her fruit salad- it sounds delish! xxoo

  2. You're not going to be one those bloggers who only posts every third week at high tide following a blue moon, I hope??? Post more pronto.

  3. i was just going to post the same thing!! chants- we want more.....
